
PHProjekt V6 kicks out of the door on March 18th
PHProjekt V6, our little beastbee and Open Source project management software, kicks out of the door on March 18th as GA. It’s a complete rewrite (and thus, a major version update was needed) with Zend Framework and dojo and now licensed under LGPL (earlier versions were licensed under GPL). You may ask what you want…
A comet over PHProjekt 6
So far PHProjekt 6 (P6, see http://phprojekt.com) is already enhanced with nice AJAX workflows and snappy user-experience. Nevertheless, we discussed a way to provide synchronous communication and direct information within the application. Everybody knows GoogleMail with its easy to use frontend. Maybe you use it for your daily work. In GoogleMail, there is no need…
PHProjekt 6 Developer Preview edition
in PHPToday the PHProjekt core team is glad to publish a first edition of PHProjekt 6, the ‚developer preview release‘. More than one year has passed since the first commit into the SVN. In our view, the most important feature of the new version is the state-of-the-art architecture, which makes a huge difference to all previous…
PHProjekt in Poland – Meeting with deputy prime minister
in PHPSometimes it is great to work for open source projects: Monday and Tuesday I was in Warzaw on the invitation of the deputy prime minister, Waldemar Pawlak. The topic of our meeting was the strategic use of PHProjekt as the project management tool in his Ministry of Economy and a possible indroduction as collaboration platform…
Dojo 1.0 released
in DevelopmentGestern wurde endlich die Version 1.0 von Dojo released (http://dojotoolkit.org). Im Vergleich zu Dojo 0.43 hat sich in Version 1.0 einiges getan, die wichtigste Änderung: es werden nun die Funktionalitäten sauber getrennt in drei kleinere "Projekte". Persönlich freue ich mich, dass in Sachen Performance sich einiges getan hat und die Engine massiv beschleunigt wurde. Bereits…
PHProjekt Version 5.2 now available
MAYFLOWER announces that Version 5.2 of its free popular open source groupware suite “PHProjekt” is available immediately and ready for download. With the new version a foundation is made for a clearly arranged and intuitive usable PHProjekt. This is made by a refactoring of the user interface and the integration of the Dojo JavaScript Toolkit,…
An alternative Approach to Tagging
in PHPThe Term Tagging The popular feature of ‚tagging‘ content is nothing new. The average netizen should have encountered it by now. Tagging was made popular by sites like del.icio.us and flickr, where users can attach free-form strings, so-called ‚tags‘ to their bookmarks and images. The viewer can then use these tags to navigate through one…
Kurze Unterbrechung
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