PHProjekt V6 kicks out of the door on March 18th

Avatar von Björn Schotte

PHProjekt V6, our little beastbee and Open Source project management software, kicks out of the door on March 18th as GA. It’s a complete rewrite (and thus, a major version update was needed) with Zend Framework and dojo and now licensed under LGPL (earlier versions were licensed under GPL). You may ask what you want to do until March 18th? Well, besides eating popcorn for Film@11:



The bee is watching you!


Avatar von Björn Schotte


2 Antworten zu „PHProjekt V6 kicks out of the door on March 18th“

  1. I think the demo needs some login information ;-) At least admin/admin and admin/password don’t work.

    1. Avatar von Björn Schotte
      Björn Schotte

      Jepp, it’s admin/test and I hope the team will put some information on the login screen.

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