
PHProjekt V6 kicks out of the door on March 18th
PHProjekt V6, our little beastbee and Open Source project management software, kicks out of the door on March 18th as GA. It’s a complete rewrite (and thus, a major version update was needed) with Zend Framework and dojo and now licensed under LGPL (earlier versions were licensed under GPL). You may ask what you want…
A comet over PHProjekt 6
So far PHProjekt 6 (P6, see http://phprojekt.com) is already enhanced with nice AJAX workflows and snappy user-experience. Nevertheless, we discussed a way to provide synchronous communication and direct information within the application. Everybody knows GoogleMail with its easy to use frontend. Maybe you use it for your daily work. In GoogleMail, there is no need…
Dojo Toolkit Workshop, Mai 2009
in DevelopmentAnfang Mai luden Uxebu und SitePen zu einem Dojo Toolkit-Workshop, genauer gesagt „Intro to Dojo, Charts, Grids, and Comet“, nach Oberhaching bei München. Mayflower war mit schätzugsweise einem guten Drittel aller Workshop-Teilnehmer zahlreich vertreten. Dylan Schiemann von SitePen, Inc. und Nikolai Onken von Uxebu führten durch das Programm, außerdem konnten die Teilnehmer bei Fragen auf…
On March 28th we had the honor to host another dojo event – the dojo.wine(). With the experience from the last dojo.beer in our office in Munich we expected some 20 attendees, but when the event started I counted the incredible amount of 37 people! Now our conference room is kind of small and I…
dojo.wine() at Mayflower Office Würzburg
in VermischtesAgain we are pleased to host a dojo event – this time in our office in Würzburg. According to Würzburg having lots of vinyards all over the hills we called this event „dojo.wine()“ :-) The event is organized by Uxebu and PHPUG Würzburg and will start on March, 28th, 12:00 in our office in the…
PHProjekt 6 Developer Preview edition
in PHPToday the PHProjekt core team is glad to publish a first edition of PHProjekt 6, the ‚developer preview release‘. More than one year has passed since the first commit into the SVN. In our view, the most important feature of the new version is the state-of-the-art architecture, which makes a huge difference to all previous…
Last Saturday MAYFLOWER hosted the second dōjō beer event – a nice unconference devoted to the dōjō toolkit. The organizers from uxebu called and more than 30 developers found their way to MAYFLOWER’s office rooms in Munich.
Dojo.beer @ Munich Mayflower Office
We are pleased to host the next dojo.beer session in our office in Munich!This event is again organized by uxebu. Please check for more information the blog posting at dojo campus. If you want to join the gathering, post in the IRC channel #dojo, mail to rsvp {at} dojotoolkit.org or just drop a comment to…
Minimizing your JavaScript Code
in PHPAs my last projects were mostly web 2.0 online applications I had to do a lot of javascript programming. Using JS-Frameworks like JQuery or Dojo the size of all necessary javascript files had added up to more than one megabyte. Even today with highspeed internet connections one megabyte needs several seconds to be transferred, so…
Kurze Unterbrechung
Keine Sorge – Hilfe ist nah! Melde Dich unverbindlich bei uns und wir schauen uns gemeinsam an, ob und wie wir Dich unterstützen können.