PHProjekt in Poland – Meeting with deputy prime minister

Avatar von Albrecht Günther

Sometimes it is great to work for open source projects:

Monday and Tuesday I was in Warzaw on the invitation of the deputy prime minister, Waldemar Pawlak. The topic of our meeting was the strategic use of PHProjekt as the project management tool in his Ministry of Economy and a possible indroduction as collaboration platform among several governmental institutions.

I was surprised by his proficient skills in PHProjekt (he has been using it since version 3) and the deep knowledge of Open Source and LAMP applications. He pointed out the importance of Open Source in the EU regarding the free movement of services and information.

It’s nice to see that in many European countries the Open Source idea gets more and more visible in the public (and private) sector!


Avatar von Albrecht Günther


4 Antworten zu „PHProjekt in Poland – Meeting with deputy prime minister“

  1. Ciesz? si?, gdy czytam, ?e instytucje rz?dowe korzystaj? z Wolnego Oprogramowania, z ch?ci? dowiaduj? sie o kolejnych wdro?eniach czy to OpenOffice, czy Linuksa (to ju? rzadziej). Ciekaw jestem czy gdziekolwiek w mediach pojawi si? wzmianka …

  2. Warsaw * :P

    Pawlak knows PHP :| What a surprise, he doesn’t look like an IT expert :P

  3. Mal ein Minister, der sich mit IT auskennt, leider nicht in Deutschland ;-)

  4. Hey,

    it should be Warszawa or Warsaw :), so it don’t heart to much for the polish guys :D

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