
Avatar von Björn Schotte
  • PHP-Center got a new home – time to say good bye

    Together with Ralf Geschke (and Tobias Ratschiller), we created PHP-Center.de as a home for the German-speaking PHP community back in 1998. Back then, PHP-Center was also the host of the German speaking PHP mailing list (GML) which was founded by Ralf and PHP-Center was the complementary web site that contained news, articles, case studies and…

  • Former MySQL CEO represents Oracle at EC hearing?

    I just came across several blog posts regarding the Oracle/Sun/MySQL war, including this one. There are a lot of interesting clarifications and opinions, but I want to highlight this comment from MySQL’s founder Monty about Mårten Mickos which is worth reading. One excerpt: That could however explain why he [Mårten] is now so eager to…

  • MySQL: from Midrange to the Enterprise market

    First of all, I want to link to a blog article written by the founder of MySQL to help MySQL being rescued – everybody can stand up and tell the European Commision why the Oracle/Sun deal threatens MySQL. Second, due to a personal request, I want to make clear that this posting reflects my personal…

  • Oracle’s plan to spend more money developing MySQL than Sun did

    Today, I twittered with Matthew Aslett from 451 group and pointed him to „Project Peter“ which lead to a blog post by him (see tweet).   There’s an interesting statement in his blog entry: […] on the theory that Oracle will not invest in the ongoing development of MySQL, which is something it has publicly…

  • State of PHP and Architecture

    What is the state of the art of PHP Architecture? Our CTO, Johann-Peter Hartmann, wants to know about it. Furthermore we want to know about the relevance of business goals during architecture creation. It would be great if you could help us filling out this survey, of course we’ll publish it later. Please answer questions…

  • Oracle/Sun/MySQL: Ellison is now willing to create a separate entity

    According to the sources, Ellison is now willing to create a separate entity within a combined Oracle-Sun that houses Sun’s MySQL open database software business in order to get the deal completed before a hearing Thursday by the European Commission. Read more at New York Post. Via Kris Köhntopp. UPDATE: this has already been declined…

  • Self-signed certificates & TLS vhosting, Vortrag@Mayflower-München

    Am kommenden Donnerstag, den 10.12.2009 findet wieder ein öffentlicher Vortrag im Mayflower Büro in München statt (Mannhardtstraße 6, S-Bahn Isartor). Beginn ist um 18:00 Uhr, Thema des Vortrags ist „Self-signed certificates & TLS vhosting„. Wie erzeuge ich selbst unterschriebene Zertifikate und was für Möglichkeiten gibt es damit Vhosting zu betreiben? Martin Brotzeller zeigt wie SSL…

  • Developing desktop applications by using web technologies

    Looking how to develop a desktop application in a short term, I came accross "Titanium Developer". This Open-Source tool helps you to create desktop apps. The special feature about it is the possibility to use well-known Web-Technologies such as HTML, JavaScript and PHP. Thus, learning a new programming language is no longer necessary. Another advantage…

  • News from „D2SBridge“

    Today, we would like to present our modifications and updates concerning D2SBridge during the last weeks.   Plugin Functionality We implemented a plugin system for D2SBridge. Now, you may change or enhance the base functionality by writing own plugins for D2SBridge. For example, we wrote a Plugin in a few lines attaching data submitted by…