Oracle’s plan to spend more money developing MySQL than Sun did

Avatar von Björn Schotte

Today, I twittered with Matthew Aslett from 451 group and pointed him to „Project Peter“ which lead to a blog post by him (see tweet).


There’s an interesting statement in his blog entry:

[…] on the theory that Oracle will not invest in the ongoing development of MySQL, which is something it has publicly committed to doing.

He links to an ad by Oracle. Come on, do you really believe in everything that is stated in an ad by a company who initiated a merger and wants to convince the customers of the company to acquire that the merger is a good thing?


Get a life.

Goodies von Mayflower

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3 Antworten zu „Oracle’s plan to spend more money developing MySQL than Sun did“

  1. „Get a life“? Nice.

    Anyway, it’s also in the official merger FAQ

    That might not convince you either of course. So what would?

    1. Oh yes, this seems to convince me a little bit but I’m wondering why you linked to an ad and not to this official document?

      In ancient times, MySQL targeted the midrange market. For this reason, MySQL would be a good fit for Oracle as Oracle doesn’t get inside this market.

      But in the last years, MySQL entered the internal IT in the Enterprise market. Yes, MySQL is targeted for the web, but in the last years Enterprises switched from desktop apps to fully fledged web based apps, for example PHP/AJAX with MySQL as the database storage. And in this scenario MySQL does often compete against Oracle.

      And I don’t believe that Oracle would let go MySQL into the Enterprise (commercial-wise) if MySQL belongs to Oracle. This is also what I have said again to the European Commision.

  2. It’s beside the point anyway. Whether Oracle intends to kill MySQL, invest in MySQL, or merely support MySQL minimally and milk it for support/services revenue and lead generation to their more enterprisey offerings, in any of these scenarios the objectionable point is the same: that one company controlling so much of the market’s viable options is anti-competitive.

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