
Avatar von Johann-Peter Hartmann
  • Testing: how to get reliability and efficiency

    We have been talking with Toby of qafoo fame about testing strategies: How we need to craft architecture and design in order to significantly reduce the cost for tests. How to escape from the trap of the inner-platform antipattern, where we need to provide all infrastructure and business models with an ugly, mocked twin. Simply:…

  • Software Architecture Decisions – how to do it wrong the hard and the easy way

    When it comes to software architecture, stuff gets funny.  First we learn everything about it at university. We learn to use it as a part of our main project plan. We learn how to do risk evaluation. And, as a matter of fact, we learn how to create a lot of different UML diagrams:  component…

  • Warum PHP sich rechnet

    Vor drei Wochen waren die Drupal Dev Days, eine wirklich gute Konferenz mit guten Leuten, Vorträgen und Spassfaktor (Vielen Dank noch mal an die Veranstalter, die Konferenz war wirklich erfrischend gut und Community-getrieben). Netterweise haben die gut organisierten Jungs und Mädels uns nach der Keynote gefragt, und das haben wir natürlich gerne gemacht – schliesslich…

  • Motivation in Software Development

    Working with software developers is often described as "herding cats", because they got their own mind. I actually love how this video explains the reasons, and why this is basically an advantage.

  • Buy one XSS, get a CSRF for free

    Cross Site Request Forging (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_request_forgery for more information) has been around for a while now. It misuses the trust of a web application that every request sent by the browser is wanted by its user.For example, if you know that i am logged in to our blog admin backend most of the time, and…

  • Leveraging Security to PHP (using sausages)

    Let’s be honest – the guys over at bugtraq, full-disclosure and others make fun of us PHP people. Not only do we provide the dramatis personae – be it phpBB, the Nuke family or XMLRPC, we also deliver remote code execution, XSS or SQL injections right to the security peoples‘ doorstep.Why does this happen? Are…

  • PSync PHProjekt Outlook Sync Beta released

    PSync/Outlook is a outlook synchronisation tool for phprojekt. It synchronizes contact, calendar, todo and note data in both directions. It uses PEAR::Soap for PHP 4 and the builtin SOAP for PHP5 and is written in Delphi.

  • MD5 „under“-signed

    In one of my softwares i have to prove that the xml output given is authentic. So i simply take secret known by my counterpart and me, add it to the xml string and use a md5 to sign the xml stuff. No more.

  • SOAP Box Derby and the bablefish

    Actually "SOAP" is just "A". There is no object orientation, no protocol and least but not last no "simple" in it.