15.12. Using custom annotations in PHP
When developing enterprise software one should always keep an eye on writing code that is easily maintainable, testable and extendable. Design patterns already propose a way to implement a loosely coupled architecture. With annotations you can take a step forward to make your code look even more expressive, focusing on the primary problem instead of…
06.12. Doctrine 2 – Zend Framework Integration
In yesterday’s article of our advent calendar, we explained the concepts underlying Doctrine 2. In today’s article, we want to use that knowledge and create a simple Zend Framework (ZF) application that uses Doctrine 2 to persist its business objects. While explaining how to integrate Doctrine 2 into Zend Framework, we will create a generic…
05.12. Doctrine 2
Object-relational mapping (ORM) frameworks have been around for several years now and for some people, ORM is already outdated by now. As we have seen with other technologies and concepts before, PHP is not exactly what we call an early adopter among the programming languages. Thus it took some time for ORM to grow up…
03.12. Setting up an own QA Environment for Javascript
Nearly every PHP project comes up with a great set of tools to assure the quality of source code; unit tests are a no longer a „nice to have“ feature, they are common components in new projects. While unit tests help you to provide solid interfaces and proof the functionality of a certain method, there…
Introducing Gigger, a Realtime Javascript Monitoring Framework
Go to Live Demo >>> Monitoring your web application is essential for professional maintenance and development. Especially if you have a high load on your website and you want to keep the current users on your site, you definitely should stay alert for problems and be able to react fast in case of problems.…
JavaScript Pitfalls for PHP-Developers
A couple of years ago, PHP developers only had to have strong knowledge in the language itself and experience in some PHP frameworks and libraries, additionally skills in MySQL were expected. If we take a look at our current job advertisement, these knowledge is still important, but also skills in JavaScript are asked and strongly…
Motivation in Software Development
Working with software developers is often described as "herding cats", because they got their own mind. I actually love how this video explains the reasons, and why this is basically an advantage.
Silence of the LAMPs
in PHP(based on a true story) A well-known but discouraged operator in PHP is the silence operator @, that supresses any output, that a particular command may yield. Read on to find out how you should not use it.
Meistgenutze Applikation im Intranet != Kantine
in BusinessEs sollte eigentlich nicht überraschen, dass wohl am häufigsten im Intranet auf den Speiseplan (wenn vorhanden) geklickt wird – vornehmlich zwischen 10:30 – 11h. Bei einem Kundenbesuch vor 2 Wochen sah ich mit Begeisterung, dass die Ajax basierte Mitarbeitersuche sehr intensiv vom Frontdesk benutzt wurde. Bei jedem Anruf, der vom Frontdesk angenommen wurde, konnte durch…