
Avatar von Alex Aulbach
  • Is MySQL-partitioning useful for very big real-life-problems?

    Some months ago I helped out in another project in which they had some performance problems. They had a very big table and the index of the table was bigger than the table itself. As every change in the table causes MySQL to recalculate/reload the index, this can take some seconds for such big tables.…

  • YAML – Yet Another Multicolumn Layout

    What is YAML? YAML is a framework to develop flexible layouts based on (X)HTML and CSS. In my opinion the best features of YAML are that it is flexible and easy accessible and not to forget that it is compatible with many browsers. Furthermore, it gives you maximal freedom concerning design. You can work with…

  • Zend Studio for Eclipse at first sight

    In January Zend Studio for Eclipse was released, it combines the Zend Studio technology and the Eclipse PDT (PHP Development Tools) project. The download is available on zend.com, also the latest Zend Studio Toolbar if needed, you’ll find detailed product information on zend.com. The last few days I’ve started working with Zend Studio for Eclipse.…

  • Death by Planning

    „Death by Planning“ ist ein so genanntes Anti-Pattern. Es besagt: „Übertriebene Planung im Vorfeld von Software-Projekten führt zu nutzlosen Plänen und Hintanstellung der eigentlichen Entwicklungsarbeit“. Das Refactoring von „Death by Planning“ sieht vor: „Iterative Software-Entwicklungsprozesse mit bescheideneren Planungen unter Berücksichtigung der bekannten Fakten und eine schrittweise Umstellung der Pläne“. „AntiPatterns – Entwurfsfehler erkennen und meiden“…