Kategorie: English Articles
Audit Events in your GraphQL Stack with the postgraphile-audit-plugin
In many projects, one needs to track changes in data in your database. With pgMemento, you can automatically generate audit information like that. It extends your PostgreSQL tables by an audit_id column, which in turn refers to the specific audit event in the pgMemento tables, which are by default stored in a separate database schema.…
Creativity, curiosity, craziness – the real superpowers of human cooperation
Following philosopher Yuval-Noha Harari, cooperation is the key to our human being and what humans achieved in evolution, making us humans more successful than other creatures on earth. „It is the unprecedented ability to cooperate flexibly in large numbers“ that makes us unique. No other creature on earth can cooperate in a way like this,…
RoadRunner – High-Speed PHP Applications
PHP is sooo yesterday. It’s slow. It’s not hip. Don’t use it. That’s what people say. Well, people, listen up! Because RoadRunner has come to pimp PHP performance in astounding dimensions. So let’s take a look at what RoadRunner is.
LSH – an efficient approach to nearest neighbour search
Max, our intern, describes in this article the basic ideas of behind LSH.
Ivory Becomes FOS Now – CKEditor Bundle for Symfony
Maybe you heard about it: The Symfony Bundle „egeloen/ckeditor-bundle“ was looking for a new maintainer. And the Symfony 4 compatibility was missing. Having the downloads in mind I did not expect it to be that difficult to find new maintainers. At the end Marko Kunic and I took that place. But let us take a look back into the history.
Of Love and Hate: TypeScript, Redux and immutable.js
Lenz loves Redux. In this post he is going to teach us something about Redux states.
Three ways to create Word documents with PHPWord
Creating Microsoft Word documents in PHP can be a challenge. But there might be a powerful solution: PHPWord. Let’s take a closer look.
DreamFactory Intermediate Service
DreamFactory is a BAAS (Backend as a Service) that connects a multitude of data sources to APIs that apps can connect to.
React gets Context & Suspense. Quo vadis, Redux?
Somewhere between 6 or 12 months from now, the way we are using Redux will be drastically different from the way we are using it today.