Datenschutz und Datensicherheit im Kontext KI
in AIDas Thema KI wirft Fragen im Kontext Datenschutz und -Sicherheit auf. Das betrifft auch den Schutz von unternehmensinternen Wissen.
Busyness as usual
Are you busy? I’m glad that you found some time to read this article. It has an average reading time of 10 minutes. Sounds like a short amount of investment in time. But, likely, you will not make it till the end, some important messages are dropping in already in parallel, or your next meeting…
The Tricky Thing About Expectations
Expectations are everywhere. Especially in business, one overly used term is “managing expectations.” We have to manage the expectations of our stakeholders, business, and users – to name a few. The unspoken truth is that it is not possible to manage expectations. They are something personal that lives inside a person’s perception, and you can…
We Need to Align!
Please answer yourself a question: How many meetings “just to align each other” did you have in the last week? Feel free to check your calendar and think about all the meetings you had with the initial purpose of alignment. All these fancy circles, squads, all-hands, or whatever they called, meetings consuming a lot of…
Practice Illusion
Do you know managers or salespeople talking about their real practical experiences? How many times have you had the feeling that these stories were not practical at all? Welcome to what I call „practice illusion“. But what is the problem, and how can you solve it?
Lean Portfolio Management – Portfolio-Management in einer Welt voller Veränderung und Unsicherheit
in AgileBlickt man auf klassische Organisationen, wird der Begriff „Portfolio-Management“ oft im PMO (Projektmanagement Office) angesiedelt. Das beinhaltet sowohl strategisches Produktmanagement auf einer höheren Ebene im Unternehmen, zudem aber auch das Controlling und die Steuerung der Projekte innerhalb eines Portfolios. Klassisch wird diese Aufgabe eher starr und reaktiv gelebt und ist in die klassischen Unternehmensprozesse integriert.…
Creativity, curiosity, craziness – the real superpowers of human cooperation
Following philosopher Yuval-Noha Harari, cooperation is the key to our human being and what humans achieved in evolution, making us humans more successful than other creatures on earth. „It is the unprecedented ability to cooperate flexibly in large numbers“ that makes us unique. No other creature on earth can cooperate in a way like this,…
Does your „agile“ maturity model suck?
in AgileReading the scrum guide is not a big thing, adding more theory is also not much effort, you just need some reading time. Are you, after reading tons of literature, a good Scrum Master / Agile Coach / Product Manager whatever? Not at all, you learned the theory – this is not the hard part…
Agil als Missverständnis
in AgileWenn man über Agile Missverständnisse spricht, darf man das wichtigste Missverständnis nicht aussen vor lassen: Agil! Allein schon die Tatsache, dass es Agile Missverständnisse gibt, zeigt, das Agil nicht die Antwort auf alle Fragen und Probleme in der aktuellen Projektwelt sein kann.