Kategorie: English Articles
Import and export data using PHPExcel
There’s a newer version of this article topic available (2014). Please read on at Performant handling of Excel files in PHP. A few weeks ago I had to read and write Excel files of the format BIFF8 (Excel 97), because the customer did not accept the workaround of exporting data to CSV. PEAR’s Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer combined…
Facebook Open Graph
During its developer conferene f8 on the 21st of April, Facebook presented Open Graph. But what is it exactly and what can I, as awebmaster, do with it? This and more will be clarified in this article (read german version).
Profiling best practices: Benchmarking and optimizing real-world scenarios in a business context
Over the years, PHP has evolved from a script language to a programming language used in big applications with high-level architectures. As the most popular language for web applications, PHP is very fast, robust and stable by default. Coming from tiny scripts, PHP is used in large-scale web applications nowadays. In terms of business context,…
Study about relevance of business goals in PHP software architecture
PHP software developers and system integrators actually play an important role in running the world’s largest web infrastructures. From Facebook, Gruner & Jahr, Kabel Deutschland and Lufthansa to a diversity of corporations, they all trust PHP and the respective systems built with it. It is not questionable that these systems provide a solid software architecture.…
Motivation in Software Development
Working with software developers is often described as "herding cats", because they got their own mind. I actually love how this video explains the reasons, and why this is basically an advantage.
PHProjekt V6 kicks out of the door on March 18th
PHProjekt V6, our little beastbee and Open Source project management software, kicks out of the door on March 18th as GA. It’s a complete rewrite (and thus, a major version update was needed) with Zend Framework and dojo and now licensed under LGPL (earlier versions were licensed under GPL). You may ask what you want…
A comet over PHProjekt 6
So far PHProjekt 6 (P6, see http://phprojekt.com) is already enhanced with nice AJAX workflows and snappy user-experience. Nevertheless, we discussed a way to provide synchronous communication and direct information within the application. Everybody knows GoogleMail with its easy to use frontend. Maybe you use it for your daily work. In GoogleMail, there is no need…
PHP-Center got a new home – time to say good bye
Together with Ralf Geschke (and Tobias Ratschiller), we created PHP-Center.de as a home for the German-speaking PHP community back in 1998. Back then, PHP-Center was also the host of the German speaking PHP mailing list (GML) which was founded by Ralf and PHP-Center was the complementary web site that contained news, articles, case studies and…