Kategorie: PHP

  • Guzzling web services out of the box…

    Guzzle has come to a certain fame recently as the framework powering Amazon Web Services new SDK2 for PHP. But what exactly is Guzzle? Guzzle is a framework for building RESTful web service clients. As such it is obviously a very potent HTTP-client library, that presents us with an easy way to send subtly crafted…

  • Development Environments with Vagrant and Puppet

    Motivation Setting up the infrastructure for new projects can be quite a pain in the ***. Even after the initial setup is done, adding new developers to the team requires a lot of time. Besides explaining the project to the new team member, the project’s development environment has to be installed on the new developer’s…

  • Zend Framework 2 mit Doctrine ORM

    Das Modul-Konzept von Zend Framework 2 macht es einfach, Doctrine2 als ORM zu verwenden. Der Artikel soll zeigen, wie man mit den offiziellen Modulen Doctrine2 in die eigene Zend Framwork Anwendung integriert.

  • Mayflower and Symfony2

    Two weeks ago, I had the chance to attend Symfony Live 2012 in Berlin. At first, I tried to get a ticket by submitting several proposals for talks. This didn’t work out but the organizers were very kind and invited me to attend the conference for free! A couple of days later, I read about…

  • ACLs and Symfony2

    Like most larger PHP frameworks, Symfony2 contains a component that handles all kinds of security topics. Its main two capabilities are authentication and authorization. While making it easy to implement these concepts, the component separates them and executes one after the other. In the first step, the framework determines who the current user is or…

  • Image similarity search with LIRE

    Content-based image similarity search — determining the images in a database visually similar to a search image on the basis of pixel data alone — is a hot topic. Applications are numerous. Just recently, amazon.com has introduced a visual product similarity search for some products, and google has introduced a search-by-image feature. In addition to…

  • Symfony2: Bundle your libraries!

    In vielen Software-Projekten kommen Entwickler irgendwann an einen Punkt, an dem Funktionalität implementiert wird, die in anderen Projekten wiederverwendet werden können soll. Nachdem ich in der jüngeren Vergangenheit von mehreren Kollegen gefragt wurde, wie man dies in Symfony2-Projekten bewerkstelligen kann, wollte ich schriftlich eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Punkte bereitstellen. Das Resultat ist dieser Blog-Artikel, der…

  • Development environment for Magento, OXID and Shopware

    Developers in smaller and larger e-commerce agencies/shops are often faced with different development environments. Customers who want to evaluate e-commerce platforms like Magento, OXID or Shopware have to handle everything from downloading the packages, their LAMP stack and installing it on-the-go. Of course, you might have your own virtual machine, but for a quick shot…

  • Ein erster Eindruck von Zend Framework 2

    Vor ein paar Tagen ist Zend Framework 2 in einer stabilen Version freigegeben worden. Somit steht das Ergebnis einer langen Entwicklungszeit endlich zur Verfügung. Grund genug für einen ersten Blick auf das neue Framework. Ich habe die Entwicklung nur sporadisch verfolgt und keine der zahlreichen Vorab-Versionen ausprobiert. Ohne Vorwissen habe ich mich so an den…



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