International PHP Magazine: PDF editions available
in PHPCongratulations to Masoud and his whole team at S&S Media, the publishing house that’s very active in the IT area and also supports PHP through: PHP Magazin (German edition – btw, the current issue has been published today and we have a lot of good articles in there, like the cover stories about ext/mysqli and…
MySQL Cluster and RegEx slides
in PHPHere are the slides from our fellow Alexander Aulbach. The cluster slides are available both in German and English. Feel free to contact him directly if you have any questions. MySQL Cluster (German language): MySQL-Cluster.pdf MySQL Cluster (English language): MySQLCluster_en.pdf Chomsky Typ3 Sprachen oder „Hab Spaß mit RegEx“: KomskyTyp-3Sprachen.pdf Did you know that MySQL Cluster…
Slides from International PHP Conference, part 1
in PHPAs promised, here’s now the first part of the slides from the International PHP Conferences. The sessions I gave were the introduction for the Management Day, „100,000 SQLite installations – lessons learned“ (and where the borders are in regards to the usage of MySQL) and „WebServices with PHP5“. Download Management Day slides: phpconf05_managementday.pdf Download SQLite…
International PHP Conference 2005: it’s over
in PHPYesterday, the International PHP Conference 2005 closed its doors. So far, it was very nice to see all the people again and have some good time. Luckily, there was enough free beer at the VIP Reception and the PHP Lounge. :-) This year, we introduced some new events: The Management Day: you know, attendees usually…
Enterprise OpenSource: PHP/LAMP Support for corporate businesses
in PHPMore and more companies are discovering LAMP as an enterprise-grade, OpenSource stack to built mission-critical applications on it. Web development companies are developing LAMP applications for businesses like Disney, Deutsche Telekom, Sueddeutsche.de, Lufthansa and such. But what about a professional support with guaranteed response times up to 2 hours? That’s where our PHP/LAMP support is…
Economic journals become aware of LAMP – in one of the biggest PHP markets of the world: Germany
in PHPPHP has been used in the business for years. In fact, we and many other companies provided business-critical solutions based on PHP (or LAMP) for several years now. Magazines like PHP Magazin or web sites like PHP-Center.de or Dynamic-Webpages.de, not forgetting the world’s first PHP Conference that took place here in Germany provided the fruitful…
„PHP Collaboration Project“ vs. „PHP Community Process“
in PHPFrankly, PCP reminds me on an idea I had 6 to 12 months ago and briefly discussed it with Zak Greant (who discussed it with one of the inventors of the JCP, the Java Community Process with its JSR’s), IIRC Stig Bakken and others. We called it „PHP Community Process“. My basic concern was that…
Mayflower auf der Systems 2005
in BusinessDer Software & Support Verlag veranstaltet auf der Systems die SDA Area. Dieser eigenständige Bereich innerhalb der Systems dreht sich rund um die Themen Softwareentwicklung und IT Architektur. Björn Schotte hält einen Vortrag über „LAMP im Unternehmenseinsatz für geschäftskritische Applikationen“. Termin: 27. Oktober 2005, 13:00 Uhr. Die SDA Area befindet sich in Halle 2. Daneben…
The SAP developer’s guide to PHP
in PHPI was doing some research with Google’s new blog search and came over to Craig Cmehil’s blog talking about a new book published by SAP press: The SAP developer’s guide to PHP. The book is talking about: So what does the book offer? Introduction to PHP SAPRFC module in practice Connections with PHP to the…