
Avatar von Björn Schotte
  • How do you start Scrum for your PHP projects? And which PHP software to use for Scrum management

    In my previous blog post, I was asked how to implement Scrum in the first steps. My personal experience is that it’s better not to directly begin with all the methods Scrum provides. Scrum requires changes in your internal business processes, so it’s better to move ahead step by step instead of trying to get…

  • Information Management at it’s best – Machen Sie Ihre Daten fit

    Informationen sind der Kern der Entwicklung eines Unternehmens. Meist sind die wachsenden Datenmengen jedoch an verschiedenen Orten und in unterschiedlichen Formaten abgespeichert. Die Herausforderung besteht darin, diese Ressourcen zusammenzuführen, zu analysieren und einen Nutzen daraus zu ziehen. Kommen Sie am Dienstag, den 28. März 2006 nach Düsseldorf und erfahren Sie das Neueste rund um das…

  • „I’m Spartacus!“: The future of PHP – after ten years of success Zend changes the architecture of the scripting language PHP

    Important information: this article is the opinion of Björn Schotte in the role of the editor in chief of the PHP Magazin. I was just reading the new Computerwoche (one of the most recognized weekly IT journals in Germany) and found an article called „PHP steht vor einem Generationenwechsel“. It’s quite interesting (irony!) and I…

  • Nested input sequences with PHP5 SOAP

    Imagine you have a WebService that defines in its WSDL file the following input structure: <xsd:element name="Z_CATSIF_UPDATE_HOURS> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:all> […] <xsd:element name="DATA"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="item" type="ZCO_CATSIF_COMM" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:complexType name="ZCO_CATSIF_COMM"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="ELEM1" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:maxLength value="6" /> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:element> […] </xsd:sequence> </xsd:ComplexType> <wsdl:message name="rfc.Z_CATSIF_UPDATE_HOURS.Input">…

  • PHP and Scrum: the dreamteam in agile web development

    You may have heard about Agile Programming, eXtreme Programming and the like. I want to introduce to you Scrum, which is „an agile, lightweight process that can be used to manage and control software and product development using iterative, incremental practices.“. Not only big companies are using this toolset, but also some smaller ones, including…

  • Prototype, Scriptaculous and JSON. Et voila AJAX.

    I’m currently building an application that sits on top of SAP XI (Netweaver Infrastructure) and SAP PS/CATS for delivering project hours through a web application in an Intranet. The gateway to SAP XI are SOAP requests (of course with PHP5). During the nature of SOAP requests to SAP, a request may take 1 to 3…

  • MySQL AB acquired Netfrastructure Inc. (Firebird related)

    Thanks to hartmut for pointing to this: MySQL AB acquired Netfrastructure Inc. Jim Starkey, one of the founders of Netfrastructure Inc., is now working full-time for MySQL AB. Well, who’s Jim Starkey? Jim Starkey, the original creator of InterBase which became Firebird, just made it publicly known that he now works for MySQL AB. More…

  • Zend & Oracle: current status?

    While reading the tecosystems blog, I stumbled over Steven’s entry „The Oracle M&A Q&A: JBoss, Sleepycat and Zend“. It seems that at least Oracle’s interest in Zend is true: „[…] and in one panel yesterday Zend’s Doron Gerstel did little to deny the Oracle interest“. Also, it seems that JBoss has been acquired for $485…

  • PHP Magazin 1/06: ext/mysqli, der neue Leim

    Mit der neuen Ausgabe des PHP Magazins, die am heutigen Tag an den Kiosken erscheint, beleuchten wir den Einsatz der neuen ext/mysqli Extension in PHP. Kai Voigt, Trainer und Consultant bei MySQL, führt Sie auf sechs Seiten durch die neue Extension, die ab PHP 5 zur Verfügung steht und speziell auch die neuen Features von…