The SAP developer’s guide to PHP

Avatar von Björn Schotte

I was doing some research with Google’s new blog search and came over to Craig Cmehil’s blog talking about a new book published by SAP press: The SAP developer’s guide to PHP. The book is talking about:

So what does the book offer?

  • Introduction to PHP
  • SAPRFC module in practice
  • Connections with PHP to the SAP system
  • Unique example application

The full story is over here. We’ll have some review about this book in one of the next issues of PHP Magazin.


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Avatar von Björn Schotte


Eine Antwort zu „The SAP developer’s guide to PHP“

  1. Avatar von Jens Schulze
    Jens Schulze

    The content of the book sounds nice, but I had to laugh when I looked at the official German listing at – 49 euros for less than 100 pages must be kind of a joke…

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