
Avatar von Björn Schotte
  • Mayflower beruft Marketing- und Sales-Manager

    Tobias Kaufmann, 31, übernimmt bei Mayflower ab 1. September 2005 die neu geschaffene Position eines Marketing- und Sales-Manager. Er soll Geschäftsführer Björn Schotte, bei Mayflower verantwortlich für die Bereiche Marketing & Sales, beim weiteren Ausbau der Aktivitäten in diesem Bereich unterstützen. Neben der Kundenakquise, der Messekonzeption und –betreuung wird es seine Aufgabe sein, das Profil…

  • Google AdWords API for PHP: APIlity

    Just seen at golem.de: http://google-apility.sourceforge.net/. According to golem.de, APIlity was developed by Google Germany and is designed for working with PHP4 and PHP5.

  • Is XUL the next hot topic after AJAX?

    If you read Jeremy Zawodny’s blog post, Yahoo! is currently searching for XUL developers (rumours said they want to deliver their PhotoMail application on a XUL based UI). There are some fancy and fantastic XUL applications out there, for example Bloxor or the Mozilla Amazon Browser. XUL stands in a row to Microsoft’s upcoming XAML…

  • Sending SMS with PHP extension

    For one of the projects of our key account Vaillant Group we are sending SMS. The supplier is BTN, a German company providing a SMS gateway. When we wrote the interface in our application, BTN only offered an XML and E-Mail gateway for sending SMSes. Fortunately I’ve seen that they now also offer sending it…

  • iCalshare: „Social Software“ back in 2002

    While reading the Apache jackrabbit mailing list, I found iCalShare.com, some kind of „social software“ (the current Hype, see NubNub, LinkedIn, openBC and stuff like that) for sharing calendars according to the iCal standard. The author of this project is Patrick Crowley who is also responsible for php iCalendar.

  • Online Workshop: PHP and PEAR

    PHP and PEAR Online Workshop On August, 16th, the Online Workshop „PHP im Unternehmenseinsatz: PHP & PEAR“ will start. Trainer Tobias Schlitt will guide you through the PEAR and PECL universe over the following six weeks. If you want to participate in this German language online course, just have a look at our partner’s website,…

  • Announcing: ThinkPHP Press

    Yes, it’s true: we are announcing „ThinkPHP Press“, a series of books dedicated to PHP in the Enterprise. Every year we’ll publish a book full packaged with our experience inside our projects. The first book will start with the latest new APIs in PHP5 (i.e. SOAP) combined with the best practice of our commercial projects.…

  • LinuxTag: LAMP Area sessions and some announcements

    If you haven’t heard it already, this year’s LinuxTag features again the „LAMP Area“, a big booth featuring a lot of companies (including ours, Mayflower/ThinkPHP) and OpenSource projects. Like last year, there are a lot of sessions dedicated to the LAMP stack. I have the honour to open this LAMP Area sessions with a session…

  • A decade of PHP!

    Happy Birthday, PHP! And thanks a lot for the fish, Rasmus! Without you and all the others from the PHP community PHP wouldn’t be such a successful project. My brief history about getting in touch with PHP: back in 1998, playing with PHP3 and subscribing to the German speaking mailing list hosted and administrated by…