Economic journals become aware of LAMP – in one of the biggest PHP markets of the world: Germany

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PHP has been used in the business for years. In fact, we and many other companies provided business-critical solutions based on PHP (or LAMP) for several years now. Magazines
like PHP Magazin or web sites like or, not forgetting the world’s first PHP Conference that took place here in Germany provided the fruitful ground for a market that continously attracted larger businesses searching for
a fast, reliable and easy-to-deploy solution for their critical business processes.

General IT magazines like iX or c’t had several articles about PHP in the past,
even the Computerwoche had several
news items/articles about PHP and MySQL.

It’s very satisfying to see that now economic journals like the German Wirtschaftswoche notice the OpenSource LAMP stack
and define it as a serious competitor to .NET, Java & Co. The article is titled „Open-Source-Software: IT-Infrastruktur vor dem Umbruch“ and available at

The overall success of the usage of PHP and the popular LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) wouldn’t be possible with the help of thousands of people who have fun
contributing code, insights, documentation pieces, tutorials, FAQs, sessions on Conferences and sharing their time to learn from each other. Thanks to all,
and I’m glad to see some of you on next week’s International PHP Conference.


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