Kategorie: PHP

  • About planetary-sized posters

    Geez, what a week! On Friday, we’ll party on celebrating the PHP 5.3 release in Munich/Germany. For those of you who can’t be there, I’m sure there will be enough photos on Flickr, Facebook and the like. But, as you may remember, we’ve produced some very cool Zend Framework posters. I just got an e-mail…

  • „Professional Refactoring“ talk @Mayflower – Munich

    We are happy to announce that Thorsten Rinne will be holding a presentation on the topic „Professional Refactoring“ in our office in Munich and you are invited to join us! The presentation will take place on July 16th, 18:00h in our office (Mannhardtstrasse 6, 80538 Munich, S-Bahn Isartor). So what is „Profesional Refactoring“ all about?…

  • PHP5 und Oracle

    Gestern war ich zu Gast bei der DOAG Regionalgruppe Rhein-Main, um etwas über „PHP5 und Oracle“ zu erzählen. Der Vortrag richtete sich an DBAs, für die die Webwelt eine recht neue Welt ist und zeigt auf, warum gerade PHP eine passende Sprache für (businesskritische) Webanwendungen ist und weshalb PHP5 (seit einigen Jahren) auch sehr gut…

  • Mayflower LDAP at Barcamp

    At the Barcamp 2009 Alex, Michele, Michel, Markus, Sven and I continued a project that had already begun at the Barcamp 2008 – Creating an LDAP structure for internal Mayflower use and implementing a basic tool set for the administration. A new LDAP scheme was created, a maintenance tool based on Zend Framework and Dojo…

  • What will be the future of MySQL against the backdrop of the Oracle acquisition?

    The German Oracle User Association (DOAG e.V.) has published a statement (in German) about the acquisition of Sun/MySQL by Oracle and its impact for Oracle users. You can find the statement here.   Oh and btw, I’ll give a session about „PHP5 & Oracle“ at the local Oracle usergroups in Frankfurt on June, 23rd and…

  • phpMyBirthday at Barcamp 2009

    At the Mayflower Barcamp 2009 we (Martin, Daniel, Sebastian, Max, Sarah, Peter and Konstantin) started a new project named phpMyBirthday. The main goal of it is to give you a tool to manage the birthday dates of your friends. To achieve this we first built a import for vcards so that you can easily import…

  • Pastebin Module for Phprojekt6

    During the Mayflower barcamp 2009 we (Stephanie and Maria) decided to develop a pastebin module for Phprojekt6. Pastebins are an easy way to share code among developers. Often instant messaging systems are used for that purpose which is not quite comfortable (formatting gets lost, searching in history is tedious, security issues). There are a view…

  • Mayflower Barcamp 2009: Import your contacts from everywhere



    As announced previously by Sebastian, the crew of MAYFLOWER spent 5 days in St. Leonhard, South Tyrol (Italy), for this year’s Barcamp. In the next couple of days the teams will present their projects ranging from LDAP to modules for PHProjekt 6 or phpmybirthday. Starting today with a ContactImporter. Almost every internet user knows the…

  • Mayflower loves Zend Framework

    Zend Framework poster – DIN A0. A must have for developers. Mayflower loves Zend Framework. If we have the choice, we choose the Zend Framework (otherwise, we choose the framework the customer uses). For this reason, we compiled a big poster giving an overview about the most common used components of Zend Framework and distributed…



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10117 Berlin

fon +49 30 4036473 20
berlin @mayflower.de

Landsteinerstraße 4
97074 Würzburg

fon +49 931 466216 1177
fax (0931) 466216 – 28

Landsberger Straße 314
80687 München

fon +49 89 242054 1177
fax (089) 242054 – 29

Goodies von Mayflower

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