phpMyBirthday at Barcamp 2009

Avatar von Sebastian Springer

At the Mayflower Barcamp 2009 we (Martin, Daniel, Sebastian, Max, Sarah, Peter and Konstantin) started a new project named phpMyBirthday. The main goal of it is to give you a tool to manage the birthday dates of your friends.
To achieve this we first built a import for vcards so that you can easily import the data out of your email-client e.g. Thunderbird or Outlook.

The application base structure is built on Zend Framework in version 1.8 and it makes heavy use of the features of the framework such as the MVC-structure, Zend_Date, Zend_Db, Zend_Form. To improve the usability we decided to use the Javascript framework Dojo, which comes with a huge set of features and allows you to fine tune your application. Another feature of the application is the email notification. You get a notification if one of your friends has birthday soon.

The next steps will be the improvement of the frontend and the enrichment of features in the backend such as extended management of contact data and more import and export interfaces.


Avatar von Sebastian Springer


2 Antworten zu „phpMyBirthday at Barcamp 2009“

  1. „To improve the usability we decided to use…Javascript“

    That’s where I lost interest.

  2. Avatar von Carlos Aguado
    Carlos Aguado

    Hi there,

    This project sounds very interesting.
    Will it be publicly available as an
    open source project, or will it be kept

    Thanks, Carlos.

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