Oxid Commons and Unconference 2011

Avatar von Martin Brotzeller

On Thursday, May 5th, Oxid arranged their Commons fair for the third time. I was there and gave a talk about our experiences with the new Oxid EE shop, on Friday i attended the Unconference there.

Us at the Oxid Commons
Martin, Björn and our Customers at the Oxid Commons

On Thursday, May 5th, I attended the Oxid Commons 2011 together with Björn and my customers from Steinigke Showtechnic, Steffen, Daniel and Alex. While most of the fair booths revolved around services for the shop, the talks were aimed at a wide range of interested people. The most prominent topic was the presentation of Version 4.5 with a complete new layout. After watching a couple of the talks, Steffen Hartmann from Steinigke Showtechnic and I gave a talk about the challenges and sucess in relaunching the Steinigke shop based on Oxid EE.
In the evening, Oxid again proved that their reputation for throwing excellent parties is based on facts. It was a nice evening with delicious food, refreshing drinks and lots of interesting people to talk to.

Unconference Discussion
Unconference Discussion

On Friday, my coworkers Daniel and Stefan joined me for the Oxid Unconference to discuss technical issues with other developers and technical interested folks. Oxid organized an upper floor room in a very nice bar in Freiburg. The bar had a nice large balcony, so we moved outside in the afternoon to enjoy sunny weather and fresh air.

The creators of TOXID started the day by explaining , what their package can achieve: connect an Oxid shop with Typo3 so that content can be displayed in a shop and in the future shop elements can be included on aTypo3-Website. After that, there was a discussion panel about how to implement a RESTful API for the shop so that varous services could be offered.
Before and after lunch, Thomas Nunninger held a presentation on Unit-Testing.
In the afternoon we discussed a list of neccessary or desirable features for an eShop „Admin 2.0“, which features could be possibly provided by Oxid themselves and which features would have to be community-driven. The last topic was from Erik Kort who wanted opinions and suggestions for a new database layer for the next version of eShop.


Avatar von Martin Brotzeller


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