About planetary-sized posters
in PHPGeez, what a week! On Friday, we’ll party on celebrating the PHP 5.3 release in Munich/Germany. For those of you who can’t be there, I’m sure there will be enough photos on Flickr, Facebook and the like. But, as you may remember, we’ve produced some very cool Zend Framework posters. I just got an e-mail…
PHP5 und Oracle
in PHPGestern war ich zu Gast bei der DOAG Regionalgruppe Rhein-Main, um etwas über „PHP5 und Oracle“ zu erzählen. Der Vortrag richtete sich an DBAs, für die die Webwelt eine recht neue Welt ist und zeigt auf, warum gerade PHP eine passende Sprache für (businesskritische) Webanwendungen ist und weshalb PHP5 (seit einigen Jahren) auch sehr gut…
What will be the future of MySQL against the backdrop of the Oracle acquisition?
in PHPThe German Oracle User Association (DOAG e.V.) has published a statement (in German) about the acquisition of Sun/MySQL by Oracle and its impact for Oracle users. You can find the statement here. Oh and btw, I’ll give a session about „PHP5 & Oracle“ at the local Oracle usergroups in Frankfurt on June, 23rd and…
Mayflower loves Zend Framework
in PHPZend Framework poster – DIN A0. A must have for developers. Mayflower loves Zend Framework. If we have the choice, we choose the Zend Framework (otherwise, we choose the framework the customer uses). For this reason, we compiled a big poster giving an overview about the most common used components of Zend Framework and distributed…
in PHPPicture at http://www.flickr.com/photos/juanpol/78895688/ – argentinian asado. We love this country! When it’s summer, it’s likely that you go out with friends having a barbecue or drinking some cocktails while having fun meeting those people you’re mostly communicating with virtually. A good friend of Mayflower, Ulf Wendel, came up with the idea of a PHP BBQ…
Magento, OXID eShop, XTC – evaluation guide for enterprises
E-commerce teams within IT departments must do more with less, so they need to maximize their resources through shrewd and clever management, according to Gartner. Computerworld UK In the last weeks, MAYFLOWER – Germany’s biggest PHP solution provider for business critical web applications – re-evaluated its preferred shop supplier for eShop projects. As you may…
OXID Forge released
in PHPOXID eSales AG, one of the innovative companies in the PHP-based eCommerce area, released OXID Forge, its own Wiki platform for collaborating inside the community. This complements tools like OXID Exchange, their 3rd party application platform.
Quality measurement in OpenSource projects, today: OXID eShop
in PHPOXID eShop is available as a free, OpenSource Community Edition (CE), a commercial Professional Edition (PE) and a commercial Enterprise Edition (EE). They provide their partners (MAYFLOWER is one of them as we create enterprise e-commerce shops and have more than 35 certified OXID eShop Enterprise Edition developers) with a Quality Report as a PDF.…
Es webmontagt sehr …
in DevelopmentGestern war Webmontag in Frankfurt, der wie üblich in der Brotfabrik stattfand. Ich war schon über ein Jahr nicht mehr dort, vornehmlich aus Zeitmangel. Ein anderer Grund war gewesen, dass immer recht wenig & immer die gleichen Gesichter dort anwesend waren. Umso mehr war ich überrascht, dass sich auf der Webmontag-Wiki Seite ca. 70 Personen…