Avatar von Björn Schotte
Picture at – argentinian asado. We love this country!

When it’s summer, it’s likely that you go out with friends having a barbecue or drinking some cocktails while having fun meeting those people you’re mostly communicating with virtually. A good friend of Mayflower, Ulf Wendel, came up with the idea of a PHP BBQ tour – getting in touch with various PHP Usergroups in Germany. For all those people who like meat and gathering with the local PHP crowd, we can really recommend the PHP BBQ tour. At the wiki page on you can see the tour dates.


Of course, some of the Mayflower crowd will join in. Johann-Peter Hartmann is the local contact for the PHP BBQ tour on June, 15th at Munich (scheduled location Hirschgarten). Björn Schotte will join the tour and attend the PHP BBQ tour at Berlin on invitation of the local user group. We expect having a lot of fun and would be happy if you would join the tour, too.

Goodies von Mayflower

Keine Sorge – Hilfe ist nah! Melde Dich unverbindlich bei uns und wir schauen uns gemeinsam an, ob und wie wir Dich unterstützen können.


Avatar von Björn Schotte


2 Antworten zu „PHP BBQ Tour“

  1. I might join the Munich date. Don’t know for sure yet, since there’s the blade night on the same day

  2. Treffen am Rande der IPC Spring 2009, im basi’l, in der Dircksenstraße 47, Berlin. Wie man sieht muß es gar nicht immer Ente sein – wenn man in einer Pastamanufaktur ist, darf es auch gerne der Nudeltelle Bonanza (mit Steak und Kräuterbutter) sein. Paßt

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