
Avatar von Björn Schotte
  • EU to probe Oracle Sun deal

    According to Yahoo News (and WSJ, only for subscribers – thanks to @Oswald for mentioning it on twitter, see also Reuters), the EU opens an in-depth probe to the Oracle-Sun deal.   According to the source, EU Competition Commisioner Neelie Kroes said: „The (European) Commission has an obligation to ensure that customers would not face…

  • What will be the future of MySQL against the backdrop of the Oracle acquisition?

    The German Oracle User Association (DOAG e.V.) has published a statement (in German) about the acquisition of Sun/MySQL by Oracle and its impact for Oracle users. You can find the statement here.   Oh and btw, I’ll give a session about „PHP5 & Oracle“ at the local Oracle usergroups in Frankfurt on June, 23rd and…

  • Sildes from „Googol Records (with MySQL)“-Session

    IPC is over. My impression: The place was too big making it a little bit difficult to get in contact with others. Yet, from a technical and gastronomical point of view the Rheingoldhalle was a good choice. For the next IPC I would recommend to anker a hotel-ship near the hall (the Rheingoldhalle is situated…

  • Is MySQL-partitioning useful for very big real-life-problems?

    Some months ago I helped out in another project in which they had some performance problems. They had a very big table and the index of the table was bigger than the table itself. As every change in the table causes MySQL to recalculate/reload the index, this can take some seconds for such big tables.…

  • Getting Certified with MySQL

    Certifications are „in“. Nowadays you can get certifications for almost every aspect of life. Admittedly, some of those certs you can just get by surviving a boring day in a classroom or more luckily for having joined a 2 week 20k yacht trip offshore hawaii that was just regularly interrupted by attending conference speaches, workshops…

  • Observing the MySQL Query Log

    Debugging an existing application can be hard to bootstrap. Sometimes it just helps to observe the queries a web application is sending to the database. Unfortunately, the MySQL Query log does not directly tell the user which query goes to which database.

  • Playing around with the MySQL-Proxy on Mayflower-barcamp

    One of the workshops on our Barcamp two weeks ago had to do with the MySQL-Proxy from Jan Kneschke. Yet, we found out, that the proxy is rather unusable for our task. Read here why.

  • MySQL: Too many connections

    Mit max_clients definiert man bei einem MySQL Server, wie viele Client Connections die Datenbank maximal akzeptiert. Wird diese Anzahl erreicht, können keine weiteren Verbindungen zur Datenbank gemacht werden und MySQL schmeißt uns den Fehler „Too many connections“ zurück. Bei großen Applikationen wie zum Beispiel Communities oder Shopsystemen kommt es durchaus vor, dass man nicht nur…

  • mod_magnet, lighty, MySQL Proxy und überhaupt

    Der von mir sehr geschätzte Kollege Jo Brunner hat mal wieder tief in die Trickkiste gegriffen, und im Rahmen seiner Xenjo Cache Registry den wertvollen Urlaub dafür verwendet (Chapeau!), sich ausführlich mit lighttpd, mod_magnet und lua zu beschäftigen. Näheres findet man auf seinem Blog…   Überhaupt lohnt sich ein Blick auf all das, was Jan…