
Avatar von Paul Seiffert
  • Pimp my Backbone.View (by replacing it with React)

    I’ve been using Backbone.js in a couple of projects now and my feelings about it are quite diverse. On the one hand, I like how it provides you with guidelines on how to structure your frontend code. Although splitting model and view is a very basic idea in software development, it also is very powerful.…

  • 19.12. Test Driven JavaScript Development

    A couple of weeks ago, I was attending a three-day workshop for agile developer skills. The workshop was split into five topics: Colaboration, Refactoring, Design & Architecture, Continious Integration and Test Driven Development. Especially the session about Test Driven Development was very interesting. Although I know the principles of TDD I was really impressed by…

  • 06.12. Doctrine 2 – Zend Framework Integration

    In yesterday’s article of our advent calendar, we explained the concepts underlying Doctrine 2. In today’s article, we want to use that knowledge and create a simple Zend Framework (ZF) application that uses Doctrine 2 to persist its business objects. While explaining how to integrate Doctrine 2 into Zend Framework, we will create a generic…

  • Introducing Gigger, a Realtime Javascript Monitoring Framework

    Go to Live Demo >>>   Monitoring your web application is essential for professional maintenance and development. Especially if you have a high load on your website and you want to keep the current users on your site, you definitely should stay alert for problems and be able to react fast in case of problems.…

  • Developing desktop applications by using web technologies

    Looking how to develop a desktop application in a short term, I came accross "Titanium Developer". This Open-Source tool helps you to create desktop apps. The special feature about it is the possibility to use well-known Web-Technologies such as HTML, JavaScript and PHP. Thus, learning a new programming language is no longer necessary. Another advantage…

  • Silence of the LAMPs

    (based on a true story) A well-known but discouraged operator in PHP is the silence operator @, that supresses any output, that a particular command may yield. Read on to find out how you should not use it.

  • Using CVSSpam with Subversion

    When switching from one application to another, like migrating from CVS to SVN, users tend to take the switch more lightly if they find the new application looking familiar.

  • Goodies von Mayflower

    Keine Sorge – Hilfe ist nah! Melde Dich unverbindlich bei uns und wir schauen uns gemeinsam an, ob und wie wir Dich unterstützen können.