
Avatar von Andreas Uhsemann
  • Oracle with PHP and PDO

    A few weeks ago, I was holding a PHP training for a customer who’s using the Oracle database on a regular basis. My boss and I agreed on teaching the Oracle database connection with PDO (instead of the MySQL database connection we usually teach in trainings).

  • Why SAP is interested in scripting languages: an interview with André Labahn

    At the SDN Day on TechEd 06 Amsterdam I had the pleasure to make a short video with André Labahn from SAP. He’s a member of the SDN/SAP team that tries to leverage the usage of scripting languages (PHP, Ruby) together with SAP software, mainly R/3 and other components. As you might know, SAP has…

  • Management Day: was IBM, eBay, SAP, Mitsubishi und andere zu PHP sagen.

    Auf der diesjährigen International PHP Conference bieten wir wieder einmal den so genannten Management Day (auf Deutsch) an: Unternehmen teilen Ihnen in diversen Vorträgen mit, wie sie den Einsatz von PHP sehen. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt dabei den Vertretern von IBM und SAP: sie erläutern die OpenSource Strategie in Hinblick auf PHP. Der Eintritt zum Management…

  • How to make your own Chorizo!

    Ever wanted to make your own Chorizo? Here’s how to make it on your own!

  • SAP TechEd, Developer Network Day: PHP and SAP

    I was invited from SAP to give a talk at the SDN Day at SAP’s TechEd in Amsterdam about „PHP and SAP“. I really enjoyed the time being there, with such a vibrant community they have (SDN has a lot of blogs, including 310 blogs from SAP employees). As you may know, SAP supports scripting…

  • SAP TechEd: talking about PHP

    I’ll be on SAP’s TechEd Conference and SAP Developer Network Day next week (Tuesday) in Amsterdam, giving a talk about PHP and talking to some SAP employees about SAP’s interest in PHP. If anyone of you might be there, just drop me a short note.

  • MySQL Webinar: LAMP – Security for the Web2.0

    It has only been two years since Tim O’Reilly coined the phrase Web 2.0 and even shorter time since Jesse James Garret created the shortcut AJAX for the base technology of modern internet applications. In this period the nature of web applications underwent a major change in user experience and development methods. It is the…

  • Code Inclusions on a Silver Plate

    Looking for code inclusions? The versatile google cluster has a solution for this, like for many other tasks. This search lang:php \secho\([^)]*_REQUEST[^)]*\); lets You find various places where some variable from the superglobal $_REQUEST is printed with echo. By the same means, you can easily find places where such a variable is directly included in…

  • Buy one XSS, get a CSRF for free

    Cross Site Request Forging (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_request_forgery for more information) has been around for a while now. It misuses the trust of a web application that every request sent by the browser is wanted by its user.For example, if you know that i am logged in to our blog admin backend most of the time, and…