
Avatar von Martin Brotzeller
  • Slacktime: Robot Framework browst für Dich

    Slacktime. Wie Robert bereits am 5. März berichtet hat, bietet Mayflower uns Angestellten alle zwei Wochen einen Tag zur freien Gestaltung von Workshops, eigenen Projekten oder Weiterbildungs-Experimenten. Intern nennen wir den Tag Mayday, für meinen aktuellen Projektkunden ist das unser „Sonntag“ (weil wir da nicht für ihn tätig sind). Einer der letzten solchen Tage stand…

  • Testen an der Domain

    Nikolas Martens hat am Wochenende auf der FrOSCon in seinem Vortrag „The Pyramid is a lie“ vorgestellt wie Tests richtig laufen sollten. Ich möchte nun hier nochmal die Erkenntnisse aus dem Talk darstellen. Die Slides von Nikolas findet man hier.

  • Gaming the game: Using Selenium to automate playing

    Gaming the game: Using Selenium to automate playing

    An online acquaintance described it like this: „You build your tool to reduce grinding. After a while, building the tool becomes a game in itself. One where you make the rules“ Multiplayer online games nowadays heavily rely on small repetitive tasks to regulate the pace in which you proceed in your competition with other players.…

  • My personal daily WTF

    At the moment I’m working on an application consisting of several form data which need to be transfered to a web service. I’m a nice guy so I gave the secret of selenium testing away to my customer. He really appreciated it and started creating his own tests. Here’s what he last sent to me:…

  • Practical Testing PHP Applications with Selenium

    Testing software whilst ongoing development seems to be a boring job containing a lot of reoccurring tasks. You might end up entering the same test data, most of the time not really context relevant one like for example „foo“ or „bar“, into the same web-forms and get the feeling of doing work that is not…