
Avatar von Paul Seiffert
  • 06.12. Doctrine 2 – Zend Framework Integration

    In yesterday’s article of our advent calendar, we explained the concepts underlying Doctrine 2. In today’s article, we want to use that knowledge and create a simple Zend Framework (ZF) application that uses Doctrine 2 to persist its business objects. While explaining how to integrate Doctrine 2 into Zend Framework, we will create a generic…

  • 05.12. Doctrine 2

    Object-relational mapping (ORM) frameworks have been around for several years now and for some people, ORM is already outdated by now. As we have seen with other technologies and concepts before, PHP is not exactly what we call an early adopter among the programming languages. Thus it took some time for ORM to grow up…

  • Mayflower X-Mas 2007

      Nein, das sind nicht die Protagonisten des Mayflower Gruselkabinetts. Es begab sich just nach Nikolausi, am 07.12.2007, die alljährliche Mayflower X-Mas Party (in diesem Jahr an unserem Münchner Standort), die wir immer gerne mit "Friends & Family" (dieses Mal unter anderem dabei: Kaj Arnö von MySQL, Lars Jankowfsky von OXID/Swoodoo, Wolfi von NFQ/Swoodoo, Frederik…