Keine Sektionen in der Zend Framework application.ini
in PHPAus aktuellem Anlass schreibe ich über eine Feature, mit dem man sich bei der Arbeit mit Zend Framework Projekten wunderbar selbst in den Fuß schießen kann: Den Sektionen in der „application.ini”.
19.12. Test Driven JavaScript Development
A couple of weeks ago, I was attending a three-day workshop for agile developer skills. The workshop was split into five topics: Colaboration, Refactoring, Design & Architecture, Continious Integration and Test Driven Development. Especially the session about Test Driven Development was very interesting. Although I know the principles of TDD I was really impressed by…
03.12. Setting up an own QA Environment for Javascript
Nearly every PHP project comes up with a great set of tools to assure the quality of source code; unit tests are a no longer a „nice to have“ feature, they are common components in new projects. While unit tests help you to provide solid interfaces and proof the functionality of a certain method, there…
JavaScript Pitfalls for PHP-Developers
A couple of years ago, PHP developers only had to have strong knowledge in the language itself and experience in some PHP frameworks and libraries, additionally skills in MySQL were expected. If we take a look at our current job advertisement, these knowledge is still important, but also skills in JavaScript are asked and strongly…
Javascript best practises: debugging und logging Vortrag@Mayflower-München
Am kommenden Donnerstag, den 25.03.2010 findet wieder ein öffentlicher Vortrag im Mayflower Büro in München statt (Mannhardtstraße 6, S-Bahn Isartor). Beginn ist um 18:00 Uhr, Thema des Vortrags ist „Javascript best practises: debugging und logging„. Lange Jahre wurde Javascript von vielen Entwicklern nicht so ernst genommen. Durch den vermehrten Einsatz von AJAX und der einfachen…