
Avatar von Martin Ruprecht
  • 19.12. Test Driven JavaScript Development

    A couple of weeks ago, I was attending a three-day workshop for agile developer skills. The workshop was split into five topics: Colaboration, Refactoring, Design & Architecture, Continious Integration and Test Driven Development. Especially the session about Test Driven Development was very interesting. Although I know the principles of TDD I was really impressed by…

  • 04.12. PDF nicht nur mit PHP

    Eine Suche nach „php pdf“ bei der Suchmaschine meiner Wahl ergibt eine Vielzahl an Tutorials, Blog-Einträgen und natürlich auch Klassen und Bibliotheken. In diesem Blog-Artikel möchte ich einen knappen Überblick über einige der gebräuchlichsten PHP-Tools zur PDF-Generierung geben und Alternativen zeigen die keine Programmierung erfordern. PHP: PDF – Manual Das erste Suchergebnis führt uns auf…

  • 03.12. Setting up an own QA Environment for Javascript

    Nearly every PHP project comes up with a great set of tools to assure the quality of source code; unit tests are a no longer a „nice to have“ feature, they are common components in new projects. While unit tests help you to provide solid interfaces and proof the functionality of a certain method, there…

  • A comet over PHProjekt 6

    So far PHProjekt 6 (P6, see http://phprojekt.com) is already enhanced with nice AJAX workflows and snappy user-experience. Nevertheless, we discussed a way to provide synchronous communication and direct information within the application. Everybody knows GoogleMail with its easy to use frontend. Maybe you use it for your daily work. In GoogleMail, there is no need…