Second Pre-Release of PHProjekt 6

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Just before X-Mas, we launched a first pre-release version of PHProjekt 6 and were overwhelmed by the feedback and the strong interest of the community.

Since then we were busy to integrate e. g. new project modules such as tickets, files and contacts and included a help system. Furthermore, we integrated new features like an html editor for textareas in all forms and direct URLs for each request. Till the final release, planned for this summer, we will further improve the timecard usability and add a minute’s module. For more details about what has changed since the last pre-release please visit the Developer’s Blog of PHProjekt 6.

PHProjekt 6 is now hosted on sf, so click here to download the pre-release version or try out our demo (Username: english; Password: test).

We are looking forward to your feeback!


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Eine Antwort zu „Second Pre-Release of PHProjekt 6“

  1. I like the demo (slick!) and will give the pre a go.

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