International PHP Conference 2008 – Call for Papers

Avatar von Björn Schotte


IPC 2008 Spring Edition has been finished some time ago, and now we’re preparing to head off for the ‚classic‘ IPC 2008. This time, everything will be bigger: we extended the conference to five days, happening from 27th to 31st of October 2008 at Rheingoldhallen, Mainz, Germany. There’s plenty of time for discussions, networking and there will be of course a lot of PHP talks. :-)



The Call for Papers of this Conference has just been opened and we’re awaiting your submissions for sessions and workshops (full and half-day)! Everything from intermediate to enterprise knowledge will be of interest for the attendees. And of course, a round of entertainment, like gambling and other stuff, will happen there, too. :-) We’re heading up for some special days, so please keep informed on the conference website.


The Conference Advisory board consists of the following members:

  • Björn Schotte (Head of Chair)
  • Max Horvath, studiVZ Ltd.
  • Ralf Geschke, RTL Interactive
  • Thomas Bachem, sevenload GmbH
  • Stefan Priebsch, e-novative GmbH


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