PHPUnit Motivational Poster

Avatar von Mayflower

Sometimes developers aren’t motivated to write a lot of unit tests.
Now we got some help when your phpunit code coverage goes below 80%. A PHPUnit Motivational Poster, done by the anonymous phpunit fan club.

Feel free to download it and be motivated!

Thanks to Sebastian for the exceptional scary look and Jo for the idea.


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4 Antworten zu „PHPUnit Motivational Poster“

  1. Nice idea. We’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out whether our lead developer likes the new poster we just put next to his desk ;-)

  2. GREAT poster. It’s gonna be on hanging the wall of the office by tomorrow morning, right above the head of the code monkees!

  3. The caption doesn’t render on OSX – what does it say?

    1. Tests – Where Are Yours?!

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