Eclipse PHP IDE Preview

Avatar von Björn Schotte

Zend provides a preview version of the upcoming PHP IDE which I mentioned in another blog entry. They provide a short introduction how to install this Eclipse extension.

Update: Thanks to Martin who pointed out some installation problems (see comment), Linux users should care for the following:

A package named „WST“ is needed (at least for the 3.1 linux version) which is available from
via the same update mechanism.

Goodies von Mayflower

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Avatar von Björn Schotte


18 Antworten zu „Eclipse PHP IDE Preview“

  1. I am sorry but it does not work in Eclipse 3.2M5. The Perspective Panel show no information about the existence of PHP IDE as well as options to configure it. I am sure that Eclipse has detected the PHP IDE plugin.

    Any tip to make it work?

  2. Avatar von Luke van Blerk
    Luke van Blerk

    Wow, this is awesome! I love Eclipse :)

  3. is it just me or does the code assist not work yet?

    1. Avatar von Stefan Sturm
      Stefan Sturm

      For me too. Just Syntax Highlighting…
      Perhaps some can help.

  4. How does this compare to the existing PHPEclipse project?

    Can I try out Zend’s IDE without messing up my current PHPEclipse setup?

    1. Yes, you can install it next to PHPEclipse. I have so far not seen any problems arise in PHPEclipse after installing the Zend PHP IDE plugin.

  5. The instructions at Zend’s site are a bit terse. A package named „WST“ is needed (at least for the 3.1 linux version) which is available from
    via the same upload mechanism.

  6. E’ disponibile la prima preview del futuro modulo per Eclipse voluto dalla Zend.
    I passi per installarlo sono alla pagina
    Qualche dettaglio ulteriore su ThinkPHP.
    Resta da vedere se, o meglio in che tempi, fornirà fun…

  7. What’s Zend’s intentition with this preview? I tested it out and had some syntax highlighting and configuration setting without effect ;) – I’m a little bit disappointed – of course I know it’s a „preview“, but I was awaiting some killer feature like Zend-Studio-like code-folding (if I get this into eclipse, there’s no reason any more to use zend [and the sucking svn integration] :P)

    Sorry for cynicism :)

    1. Code-folding is already supported.
      I’ve tested it on Eclipse 3.1.2 Build M20060118-1600 under debian sid.

    2. Why Zend-Studio-like code-folding? Shouldn’t eclipse be able to do that better?

    3. Avatar von Blazer

      It does work, it has all those cool features Zend-Studio has (and some more) but also has some bugs (non-ISO-8859-1 – Chars) and is slow.

      You can _not_ use an existent eclipse-installation, just follow the instructions on the zend page. To utilize the real PHP-Features you may not have any old PHP-Eclipse – project files in your PHP-Folders. Local debugging works, remote debugging might need a server like Zend-Studio does. The Code-Assist is soo much better than PHPEclipse… I’m really looking forward to a more mature version (its 0.0.6 as i write this ;-)

  8. Avatar von Luke van Blerk
    Luke van Blerk

    Has anyone got debugging working? It looks like its using the Zend debug protocol so I presume you need Zend server if you want to debug using Apache. Do you think they’ll open up their debug protocol and server component too?

    1. Yes you need Zend Server atm ..
      You are not the only one wondering though:

  9. Avatar von Faress

    I have the Mac Intel and eclipse 3.1 won’t work!!!

    So I tried to install the eclipse 3.2 which supports Mac intel, but now the problem is the PHP IDE not working under eclipse 3.2 !

    I’ve installed the :
    – Eclipse 3.2RC6
    – GEF-runtime-3.2RC3
    – emf-sdo-xsd-SDK-2.2.0RC6
    – wtp-R-1.0.2-200604280245

    Eclipse loads up fine, but all that’s missing is the PHPIDE from Zend for eclipse 3.2.

    This is a nightmare, anyone managed to make it work?

  10. U can also download the Zend debugger that comes alongside PHP IDE from this page:
    PHP Eclipse is a super IDE, I recommend it to every php programmer.

  11. I’m trying to get eclipse 3.2 to work with zend, but I get error messages. One reason is that I am using the package provided by apt-get in ubuntu feisty.

    Has anyone has any experiences with problematic php-installation with this version of eclipse / zend php

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