Which Open Source PHP framework do you use?

Avatar von Björn Schotte

@mayflowerphp asks you:


Avatar von Björn Schotte


6 Antworten zu „Which Open Source PHP framework do you use?“

  1. should support multiple selection, I use three different frameworks :)

  2. a more interesting question may be which framework the peoples want to use in correlation to the framework the actually use ;-).

  3. I miss kohana in the list, it’s a pretty mature framework imho.

  4. Yap, KohanaPHP… I’ve voted for it though in the blank input field provided.

  5. Why doesn’t Yii get mentioned more often in these polls/comparisons?
    I used CodeIgniter for a couple of years before I came across Yii, then I never looked back. Give it a try.

  6. Symfony or Zend Framework :) It’s the only thing I use.

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