Glimpse at PHProjekt 6

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For several months now, the development of PHProjekt 6 has been intensively, but without any visible result for the community. Therefore, our colleagues created a short movie to show some of the highlights and features of the next generation PHProjekt.

You can post your questions and remarks as a comment at the blog entry on

Have fun!

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8 Antworten zu „Glimpse at PHProjekt 6“

  1. Hi,
    as a professional interpretor and translator I am looking for a PHP-module which could enable an implementation of a large own written dictionary into my homepage. I would be glad to get from you any valuable hint. I have already installed XAMPP which is working fine. Unfortunatelly, my programming abilities are rather limited.
    Thanks a lot!
    Vladi Herink

  2. Très impressionnant. Bravo

  3. When will the version 6 be released?
    Is it possible to support you with betatesting?


  4. Wow, it’s really cool the new version 6 will come. I’m currently using version 5. It’s a great groupware.
    Looking forward to the new release!

  5. Looks very promissing.
    Will be glad to beta-test the new software.

  6. The groupware of my choice whenever I will have to lead another project once more. Is there any integration for Mac related PM software or PIMS like ENTOURAGE? That would be great

  7. I would really like to see a contact manager that outlook and blackberry could „sync“ to.
    Allowing the import/export of data by many.

  8. I need a virtual timetracker that tracks a time local to the machine and updates hourly information for that user (real-time). The report viewing mechanism should be isolated by user client group. Does this exist? And how do I setup my user access system currently for specific users. I this code or database administration?

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