back then, that is in the last millenium, there was a time before zend
framework and pear. Then – it was
about 10 years ago – Kris Koehntopp worked at netuse and brought a
real enrichment to the PHP community: the PHPLIB.
This great collection of classes was in my eyes the first real useful
library which delivered the solution to most of the basic / standard
problems in PHP based
software projects. So MAYFLOWER used this cutting edge technology very
soon after its first release.
The easy implementation of DB-abstraction, template
engine, authentication, permissions, session management and others made
it easy to handle these problems in a standardized way. The strict
object oriented code gave the developer the necessary flexibility to
customize and extend the code
where he/she needs it. Of course PHPLIB does not do any magic, it just
focuses on
main functions and its lean code gives it a great performance.
As it is wise not to „change a running System“ some PHP4
based application still use it and it still works fine.
So PHPLIB is not dead and still lives in some spin off’s like the ITX
template system.
Happy Birthday PHPLIB and thanks to Kris Koehntopp, netuse and all
other contributors for this great and useful piece of software.
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