PHP Online Trainings in German

Avatar von Björn Schotte

After some preparation time, we are proud to announce that we will start with German Online Training Courses at the end of May. It’s a series of training courses with the title „PHP in the Enterprise“. Topics include „Developing database applications with PHP“, „PHP and PEAR“ (announced, not bookable) and „PHP and XML/WebService“ (will be announced soon). A training course about PHP5 will be online soon.

For the online trainings we partnered with which is the leading online training provider here in Germany. The training courses are based on HTML pages with screenshots, a forum and a mailing list for questions. The courses include weekly new training stuff and will take about 5 weeks. During a week, you are encouraged to step through the course materials and the training questions. The trainer will help you in the forum and via e-mail with questions.

In comparison to other live online trainings you can step through the materials when you want and when you think you have time. You can follow the materials in the speed you control yourself. This hands over full control to you – if you think after some weeks that you need to step through the materials from week one, you can to so.

The training materials are reviewed by ThinkPHP, where Björn Schotte has the experience of dozens of InHouse trainings with more than 300 people from Top25 companies in the last years. The trainings will be delivered by well-known PHP community members: Markus Wolff, Tobias Schlitt (PEAR QA Core Group) and Dr. Volker Göbbels. The whole team is also available for InHouse trainings inside your company.

Info page at
Course page for Datenbankentwicklung mit PHP
Course page for PHP und PEAR

If you have questions, feel free to e-mail Björn Schotte who is coordinating and QA’ing the courses.


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Avatar von Björn Schotte


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