SektionEins: joined forces of Stefan Esser/Hardened PHP and Mayflower

Avatar von Björn Schotte


We are proud to announce our new startup company SektionEins which is going to be a Cologne based GmbH (German for „limited“).


In the last two years we at MAYFLOWER have had the chance to do a lot of Security Audits and Security Consulting. We created an easy and free to use Security Scanner called Chorizo and contributed security patches to several Open Source projects.


Part of this work was the cooperation with people like Johannes Schlüter and Stefan Esser. Since Stefan just finished university and our security department has a lot of work to do, we decided to join forces and create SektionEins. SektionEins specializes in Web Application Security, supporting every web platform available out there. Of course there is some special knowledge in the area of PHP included and the Chorizo and Consulting experience does add a lot of Web2.0 knowhow.

With SektionEins both Suhosin and Chorizo found a new home. And so does Web Application Security. If you want to contact us regarding Security Audits, Consulting or Security Trainings you can reach us at info at sektioneins dot de. We also do international Audits.


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Avatar von Björn Schotte


Eine Antwort zu „SektionEins: joined forces of Stefan Esser/Hardened PHP and Mayflower“

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