Chorizo posters

Avatar von Tobias Kaufmann

Somewhere around this time last year we did go public with our security scanner Chorizo!.

One year later, Chorizo! is well established in the world of web development and a useful tool for a lot of developers, especially when you deal with PHP applications.
Doing a lot of marketing work in the last year, one special activity (and one of my favourites) was until now only available for readers of the German PHP-Magazin. But we think that it is time to change that…

So we proudly present the Chorizo!-adapt a movie poster-Series

Ladies and Gentlemen, here’s the Gallery:

Our first poster does have some elements from a movie dealing with virtual reality and a man-machine conflict.

Our second Poster is a homage to a famous SciFi movie series.

And there is a Chorizo version of a famous 70’s musical too.

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Mit WebAssembly die Kosten für die Wartung Deiner Cloud-Anwendung sparen und die Wirtschaftlichkeit und Effizienz des Unternehmens steigern?

Am 26. September 2024 um 11:30 Uhr bieten Dir unsere Experten einen tiefen Einblick in ein spannendes R&D-Projekt.

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Avatar von Tobias Kaufmann


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