SQL injections for dummies – and how to fix them (Update)

Avatar von Björn Schotte

Well, database operations are bread-and-butter work for most PHP applications. PHP and MySQL, for example, have been like brother and sister for many years. You may have heard about „SQL injections“, a bad taste from the outside world of $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE and the like.

Everybody should know that you shouldn’t pass variables from outside unfiltered to i.e. mysql_query. Of course, sometimes this can slip through because we are human and humans make errors. The initial development of Chorizo! was driven by our own need to make it easier for our developers to detect potential security issues and fix them in a second. With Morcilla, our server-side PHP extension, life will be much easier, especially when you turn display_errors = Off in your php.ini settings which won’t give a hint to potential attackers that a modified GET variable produced a SQL error. With Morcilla, we look inside the server and can detect SQL injection possibilities although display_errors was set to off. Oh, and yes, we display the line and name of the file on the server where the error has happened.

Check out the following video (or directly on chorizo-scanner.com) to see how it can detect SQL injections in seconds.

Furthermore, we produced a short video that explains the XSS plugin to detect XSS vulnerabilities inside the HTML code, HTML attributes and CSS.

Goodies von Mayflower

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Avatar von Björn Schotte


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