Open Source PHP frameworks

Avatar von Björn Schotte

The next issue of the PHP Magazin will contain an article showcasing some OpenSource PHP frameworks. Thanks to here’s a good overview about the OpenSource PHP frameworks that are currently available and which topics they cover. Dennis Pallett of provides an article listing the differences between those frameworks:

(C) Dennis Pallett

(C) 2006 by Dennis Pallet


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3 Antworten zu „Open Source PHP frameworks“

  1. The correct location of the chart is, and not the URL in your post.

    I’m not sure why they’ve copied the chart, although I believe it’s a translation. They didn’t ask my permission though.

  2. Do you know which frameworks php magazin will cover?

  3. In CodeIgniter is now possible to use multiple databases; have a look at version 1.3 features.

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