
mod_magnet, lighty, MySQL Proxy und überhaupt
in DevelopmentDer von mir sehr geschätzte Kollege Jo Brunner hat mal wieder tief in die Trickkiste gegriffen, und im Rahmen seiner Xenjo Cache Registry den wertvollen Urlaub dafür verwendet (Chapeau!), sich ausführlich mit lighttpd, mod_magnet und lua zu beschäftigen. Näheres findet man auf seinem Blog… Überhaupt lohnt sich ein Blick auf all das, was Jan…
Webcraft survey: lighttpd’s usage rising
in PHPAccording to the latest Netcraft survey statistics from 1st of February, 2007, Jan Kneschke’s little baby lighttpd is showing a steady growth, with currently serving 702712 servers which is a tremendous growth compared to January 2007 (only 172819 servers). Who uses lighttpd? The homepage names a few: lighttpd powers several popular Web 2.0 sites like…
Make the download of large files with PHP (and lighty) very easy
in PHPAs you may know, our friend Jan Kneschke is the creator of lighttpd (called „lighty“), a superb OpenSource webserver (designed for speed and easyness) where we provide exclusively consulting and implementation services for. Some days ago I stumbled upon an old entry of Jan in lighty’s life, called „X-Sendfile“. There he explains how to speed…
lighttpd’s mod_cml will change
in PHPYou may have read Jo’s blog entry Methods to reduce the load of your webserver by caching content: using lighttpd, MySQL UDF, LUA and speed everything up. He explained there how to use lighttpd and its mod_cml together with MySQL to provide a caching system directly at the webserver, and not at the PHP level.…
Methods to reduce the load of your webserver by caching content: using lighttpd, MySQL UDF, LUA and speed everything up.
in PHPThe method I would like to describe is based on the webserver lighttpd. Lighttpd is a single process webserver written for high traffic sites. It supports fast-cgi out of the box which makes it ideal for hosting PHP applications. There are lots of nice modules for the daily work like mod_access or mod_rewrite. For more…
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