Zend Studio goes Eclipse

Avatar von Johannes Schlüter

After Zend announced to enter the Eclipse Foundation one expected Zend to give up their own Zend Studio and integrate it with the Eclipse Framework. A small update in a recent blog posting from Sebastian gives a few details about Zend’s plans.

According to this proposal Zend is working, together with IBM, on an Eclipse-based open source PHP development solution. This would combine Zend’s great (remote) debugging facilities with an quite advanced IDE and solve the biggest problem of the current Zend Studio: The bad editor. According to the proposal they plan to release a preview at Q1/2006 which fits perfectly to the scedule of the EclipseCon 2006 where Andi Gutmans from Zend and Stewart E. Nickolas from IBM are giving a talk about their PHP IDE Project. So let’s see what they’ll have till then.

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