PHP Conference: Day One of Main Conference

Avatar von Björn Schotte

Day one of the main conference is now over. In the next couple of minutes the Oracle installfest will begin. Speakers will have a speaker dinner at 20.30… the day was full packed with a lot of sessions, mainly targeting to PHP5, i18n and database clustering problems.

I had the chance to talk to a lot of people – the booths were very well attended. Thomas Weinert from Weaverslave had a lot of people standing around while he was presenting the new features in his IDE. Also the PEAR booth answered a lot of people questioning about the usage of the PEAR packages.

Toby also told me about the new PEAR installer 1.4 with the PEAR_Server feature which enables you to operate your own PEAR server with PEAR packages (and, better, to create your own package distribution for your own software). I hope they’ll get automatic updating mechanisms too :-) Tobias will tell about those nice features in a session tomorrow.

Fotos will follow soon …


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