A German press-release from Zend titles:
„Die PHP-Architekten sind gleich dreifach auf der führenden Konferenz Europas für Java-Technologien vertreten“
Everybody knows that some blurbs are neccessary for a good marketing and PR work (in German we say „Klappern gehört zum Handwerk“). But I don’t think that it’s a good idea to claim to be the „architects of PHP“, although Zeev and Andi provided most parts of the ZendEngine (II) (which I’m very thankful for).
Companies that earn money with PHP shouldn’t forget where PHP comes from: the OpenSource community, hundreds of people that donate their spare time to PHP. So there is a responsibility for this group/movement.
Perhaps this has to do with the growth of Zend as a company. People come and go, suits come and go. I would love to see some more OpenSource spirit at Zend.
UPDATE: The press release can be found at the website of Haffa & Partner, the German press agency for Zend.
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