Mayflower Barcamp

Avatar von Björn Schotte

Since 2005, every year we have done some kind of „Mayflower weekend“. As we’re a bit of a distributed company (departments in Munich and Würzburg, called Herbipolis, several „on-site departments“ at some of our biggest customers, an offshore department in beautiful Argentinia and since 2007 a sister company called SektionEins located at Cologne watching out for Web Security) it’s always fun packing the crowd together and putting them into a hotel somewhere in Germany (or Barcelona, Spain in 2006 and Budapest, Hungary in 2007). If you followed Wolfram’s blog you noticed that we also had some external guests (if you need a Dojo freelancer, I recommend hiring Wolfram although he’s a Pythoneer ;-) ) alongside the camp. The event was located at the hotel „Moierhof“ where I also survived successfully the tasting of hard liquor (Moierhof has its own liquor distillery, holy sh**). With our headcount reaching 50 (and growing fast beyond), the event was packed full with the whole Mayflower crowd.


Nevertheless, the crowd organised itself into several groups and tried to create some fine piece of software within two days. Some of the projects included:


  • developing a PHP5 extension for Skype messaging
  • developing Dojo pijit dijit components (as you can read here, it seems that the pijit theme will be integrated into the official Dojo)
  • PHProjekt V6 AJAX client based on Dojo
  • playing with the MySQL Proxy
  • Hackme / MyPwn: a flirt community software that contains nearly every web security vulnerability (SQL injections, XSS, information disclosure, …) you can imagine
  • extensions for phpMyFAQ
  • LDAP contact management (for PHProjekt) recognizing duplicate addresses
  • Chorizo robot – recording scanning sessions and repeat them continuously


Some of the project teams will release more information soon.


Personally, we would like to thank every single „Maiblümchen“ for being a part of our company. It’s great to see what the group can achieve. You’re real rock stars!


Are you a (senior) rock star and want to join the „Maiblümchen“ fame? Tell us via e-mail!


Avatar von Björn Schotte


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