Who wants to connect PHP to SAP?

Avatar von Björn Schotte

For some survey I’m searching for people having SAP in their company and want to connect to their SAP business systems with PHP. Please tell me about your needs and if you successfully could access SAP and which kind of connection (SAP XI, saprfc etc.) you used. I’ll post a summary of those experiences later.

In the meantime, checkout the blog „PHP: A new twist to SAP development“ (not much content there yet, but I hope it will grow in the future). It’s the weblog of Craig Cmehil, a SAP employee who’s the author of the book „The SAP developer’s guide to PHP“.

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2 Antworten zu „Who wants to connect PHP to SAP?“

  1. Recently I have successfully implemented a connection between a PHP-based webshop and SAP Markets Enterprise
    Buyer (professional edition) through the Open Catalog Interface (OCI). Though this isn’t a direct connection between them, it clearly shows that PHP and SAP can function together perfectly. The process was pretty straightforward with the help of the available documentation.

  2. Hey,

    I am stuck with this issue on solaris server.
    I need to install an extenstion SAP SDK RFC 6.40 on one of our solaris server.
    Server is running on SunOS 5.9, with sun4u sparc SUNW architecture.

    I have the source downloaded from the SAP official website for SDK RFC, and when i executed the command to compile the file i got the following error msg.

    RFC is basically to configure the solaris to communicate to SAP server using PHP.

    I am confused if there is an issue with the version or is there something i am missing.

    $ cc -xc -I ../include -L ../lib sapinfo.c -o sapinfo ../lib/librfc.a -lrfc -lsocket -lnsl -ldl -lm -lw

    ../lib/librfc.a:359:81: warning: null character(s) ignored
    ../lib/librfc.a:359: error: stray ‚\150‘ in program
    ../lib/librfc.a:359: error: stray ‚\16‘ in program
    ../lib/librfc.a:359:85: warning: null character(s) ignored
    ../lib/librfc.a:359: error: stray ‚\19‘ in program
    ../lib/librfc.a:359: error: stray ‚\31‘ in program
    ../lib/librfc.a:359:88: warning: null character(s) ignored
    ../lib/librfc.a:359:92: warning: null character(s) ignored
    ../lib/librfc.a:359: error: stray ‚\154‘ in program
    ../lib/librfc.a:359: error: stray ‚\19‘ in program
    ../lib/librfc.a:359: error: stray ‚\224‘ in program
    ../lib/librfc.a:359:98: warning: null character(s) ignored
    ../lib/librfc.a:359: error: stray ‚\163‘ in program
    ../lib/librfc.a:359: error: stray ‚\152‘ in program
    ../lib/librfc.a:359: error: stray ‚\20‘ in program
    ../lib/librfc.a:359: error: stray ‚@‘ in program
    ../lib/librfc.a:359: error: stray ‚\23‘ in program
    ../lib/librfc.a:359: error: stray ‚\146‘ in program
    ../lib/librfc.a:359: error: stray ‚\3‘ in program
    ../lib/librfc.a:359:109: warning: ^C../lib/librfc.a:359:112: warning:

    the file goes on…and on…..

    Can you please help me with this.

    Any help would be blessing…:)


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