Mayflower loves Zend Framework

Avatar von Björn Schotte
Zend Framework poster – DIN A0. A must have for developers.

Mayflower loves Zend Framework. If we have the choice, we choose the Zend Framework (otherwise, we choose the framework the customer uses). For this reason, we compiled a big poster giving an overview about the most common used components of Zend Framework and distributed it via International PHP Conference and soon PHP Magazin. Currently, the poster is in German. We’re working on an English translation which should be available soon in the next days. If you’d like to have one, just fill out this form – we’ll send you one. Oh, we’re just working on having the poster at one of the online shops so that everyone can get his own Zend Framework poster!


Zend Framework has, like other frameworks, its advantages and disadvantages. However we think that it will be one of the upcoming industry standards that leverage speed and easyness in PHP development. For years, Mayflower has been a big fan of Zend Framework, working with it since V0.9 in its early days. As always, we’re customer minded, that means if a customer prefers other frameworks like Symfony, PEAR, eZ components and the like, we’re happy to go with. But we just believe that Zend Framework will be spearheading the OpenSource PHP framework world.

Goodies von Mayflower

Keine Sorge – Hilfe ist nah! Melde Dich unverbindlich bei uns und wir schauen uns gemeinsam an, ob und wie wir Dich unterstützen können.


Avatar von Björn Schotte


14 Antworten zu „Mayflower loves Zend Framework“

  1. I’d love to get an English translation of this. How close are you to having one?

  2. This is great. I’d like to fetch a copy. I’ll send you my details at XING, Björn.

    Thanks in advance!

  3. Avatar von Carlos Aguado
    Carlos Aguado

    Please make the PDF publicly available!

    Thanks, Carlos.

  4. I just received my new Zend Framework poster today. It looks great. Thank you guys for sending me that wonderful poster. I will send you a team photo as soon as possible :)

  5. Just received my English poster today! Thanks so much. This is great and very well designed. Keep up the great work!

  6. Hi there, how may I acquire one of your English versions of this awesome poster? (looks like your email address isn’t in operation anymore)

  7. Hi,

    i love to have the english version of the Zend Framework poster
    it would help programming with ZF a lot better

    thx in advance

  8. I’d love to get an English version, please!

    How can I get it?

  9. It’s good to hear usage of Zend Framework is increasing day by day. We also have been using ZF to our primary development environment :)

    I also would love to get an English version of your poster, if possible.

    Please inform me, how can I obtain it?


  10. My poster arrived today, and is awesome. It will help me a lot when developing.

    Thanks a bunch guys, and i hope you can keep the poster up to date, maybe releasing in a PDF format, it would be great.

    I will be posting about it in my blog.

    Thanks again.
    From a Brazilian Zend Framework User.

  11. hi
    I really love this idea , i wish if there is any option to send Japan. I would be really thank full.

    I tried online form but cant see Japan in country option so i have to leave.

    Somebody can help me with this great zend framework poster.


  12. Hello,

    I am from Mexico and I would like to get an English copy too.

    Please send an email when it be available on any online store.

    Thank you

  13. Avatar von Mayflower

    Hello Jesus, you can order the poster in english as PDF here:

  14. i m from bangladesh and planning to setup a blog on zend framework. and i am a big fan of zend.

    i would like to get the zend framework poster of english version.

    could you kindly send me the poster at the following address :

    ahmed a. zahid
    metalon industries limited
    priyo prangan tower (5th level)
    19 kemal ataturk avenue
    Banani zip : 1213
    email :
    phone : 008801711565565



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