
Avatar von Björn Schotte
  • Commoditizing PHP security

    We think it’s time to commoditize PHP web application security. You may have heard of Chorizo!. We’re proud to announce that from now on it’s possible to register for a free account on chorizo-scanner.com. With this free account, it’s possible to use the Chorizo! application service as a proxy and scan 1 host. All scan…

  • Web2.0 (In)Security

    On the webmontag.de gathering at Munich, Johann gave a session about „Web2.0 (In)Security“. With the emerge of more and more Web2.0 applications Security is a must for every developer. Johann explained for example why XSS hurts more in Web2.0 than in Web1.0. You can download the slides here (attention, German language). Web2.0 also seems to…

  • Goodies von Mayflower

    Keine Sorge – Hilfe ist nah! Melde Dich unverbindlich bei uns und wir schauen uns gemeinsam an, ob und wie wir Dich unterstützen können.